Working with Breslyn and Chris for their Philippe Park engagement session was everything of the sort! First of all, I mean just look at them… model much? Secondly, how refreshing to be in the company of fellow tall people! My back and knees thanked me for this little reprieve of bending and kneeling. Breslyn is a professional dance teacher so her lines, bevels, and turns were flawless in all of the photos and kudos to Chris for also being a top-tier dance partner. It’s the little things like body awareness that can really elevate poses to the next level. Philippe Park was the best spot for their engagement session with all the greenery, oak trees, and open fields. Not to mention Breslyn’s red dress was the perfect pop of color amongst all the greenery. But to be honest, Breslyn and Chris could make a parking lot photo shoot look good. No shame on parking lot photo shoots, you know I love an urban session! As we were winding down their session, Breslyn and Chris broke out the champagne bottles to end their shoot with a bang. Which they did, as one of the bottles popped without warning and I was the one who ended up with a champagne shower. ? It’s not the first time (check the cover photo on my website) and I’m sure it won’t be the last time. Good thing they brought a back up and the second champagne spray and toast were super successful and a great way to end the evening. I’m SO excited to work with these two for their wedding day next year, it can’t come soon enough! P.S. Breslyn and Chris gifted me with a bottle of Titos and farm fresh eggs from their chickens and I’m not saying alcohol and fresh eggs are thew way to my heart but maybe I am. ?

Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session Philippe Park Engagement Session